A Bit of Magic
Use your voice to stop emotional\verbal, sexual and physical abuse
My Journey to The Illusion of a Girl
I wanted to share a little bit of my journey here as hopefully it may help some of you have a greater understanding of your spiritual...

A Star Is Born
A Star Is Born* - Wow, spoiler alert, if you haven't watched this movie, stop now as I'm going to talk about it and give some details...

Learning the Hard Way
I've learned the important lessons in my life the hard way. The thoughts below clarify why tough situations teach us what we need to...

Domino in Deadpool 2 Has It Right
I recently watched Deadpool 2* again the other night (check it out if you haven’t) and I have to give a shout out to the character...

The Handmaid's Truth
My father did physically and emotionally hurt my mother, and he did the same to us, his children. Physical and emotional abuse go together,

The Big D - Depression
It’s time for everyone to understand mental illness isn’t something to be ashamed of, it’s an illness similar to diabetes in that it requir

I Feel Pretty
I feel pretty sometimes. I recently watched this movie I Feel Pretty starring Amy Schumer.

PTSD for an Alcoholic's Kid
The joys of being an alcoholic's kid just keep coming. Ideally, you move out and leave it all behind. In reality, it trails you like bad...

Not So Zen
Not so zen, don't be so hard on yourself!