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It's finally happened, The Illusion of a Girl is published! I'm so excited to share my story. It's taken me four years to arrive here. I've edited it so many times, I've hired editors, designers, and asked other authors to critique it. It's been a long road with some tough disappointments and lots of self-doubt.

The most important thing to me is to get the message out there about dysfunctional families and breaking the dysfunctional cycle. I broke the cycle of so many generations before me and it can be done with conscious choices. I'm certainly not perfect and have not done everything right, but I've given it my best.

I wrote the novel from a fifteen-year-old girls’ perspective and I remember that time in my own life well. If I wrote the book as it happened, it would be too depressing to read. Great friends, a sense of humor and some important adults got me through it. I hope you read the book and I would love your comments on it. As always, I share my story to help others. I love you all!

Oh and here's a link to the book on Amazon!

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